Climbing the marble stairs on Capitol Hill for Infertility Advocacy Day May 18, 2018.
It all started when...
I published Detours: Unexpected Journeys of Hope Conceived from Infertility. I realized that I need to have a purpose larger than myself. I want to support the infertility community and make something positive come out of a terribly difficult time in my life. I don't care how many steps I climb or how many corridors I roam on Capitol Hill. I advocate for those who are struggling to build their families and for those who don't yet know that they will have a difficult time having a baby.
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Infertility facts that your Senators and Congressmen need to know:
*The World Health Organization recognizes infertility is a disease.
*Millions of Americans are affected by infertility.
*One in eight couples have trouble getting pregnant or sustaining pregnancy.
*Infertility affects both men and women.
*Cost is a key barrier to adoption and to medical treatment for infertility (since 75% of private insurance policies don't cover it.)
*Having a family is fundamental to the lives of many American men and women.
*Being unable to have a child is life altering.
A Call for Action:
In order to make adoption and pursuing infertility treatment easier for the infertility community, I am asking for a call for action. Please visit the following website to to find your Senators and Representative in Congress. Write them a letter letting them know how important it is to have affordable family building options for all who are facing infertility.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart.