Top Ten Tips for Creating a Successful RESOLVE DIY Walk of Hope
Recently Cindy Holister, Manager of all DIY RESOLVE Walks of Hope, asked me how my Co-Chair, LeAndrea Fisher, and I have been so successful in getting a lot of sponsorships for our 4th Annual Detroit, MI Walk of Hope (WOH). At first I said it takes a lot of “Persistency and Consistency over Time” to get sponsors onboard and encourage participation. While that is true, her question made me stop and think. What exactly have LeAndrea and I been doing to create the most successful WOH we possilby can? I’d like to delve a little deeper into answering that question.
1. First, it helps to have a passionate co-chair. LeAndrea and I are very like-minded in our desire to help the infertility community, but we are different enough in our approach to bring unique strengths to the event. We have affectionately named ourselves the “Dynamic Duo.”
2. We start to promote the event early in the new year. By mid-January, we send out
SAVE THE DATE postcards to all the Reproductive Endocrinologists, therapists and businesses we know who may be interested in sponsoring the event. This year’s post card had a QR code that one could scan to see our highlights from last year’s program.
3. Once we have the date, time location set and our registration page is live, we mail flyers and sponsorship levels/benefits information to everyone listed above as well as to our personal friends and family members. Think FRANC (Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors and Community Service members.)
4. Cindy Hollister sends an email out to all past WOH participants announcing that registration is now open! We also message FRANC the link to our registration page and continue to get the word out. Reaching out and TEXTING people personally is key to spreading the word and getting people on board. Who doesn’t prefer an individual text over an email blast? However, we also created a Detroit, MI Walk of Hope FB group where we post information and updates.
5. LeAndrea and I have organizational phone meetings to discuss the timing of our outreach emails. WE keep our information fresh and exciting, in order to not overwhelm people with emails, but yet keep our registrations and donations growing.
6. We also set up a timeline and work backwards for our virtual program. Since we are still in a pandemic and some don’t feel comfortable meeting in person, we are hosting a hybrid event this year. We are securing video recordings from volunteers who have agreed to share their messages for our virtual program. We hired a professional videographer to produce our virtual program as we feel this is money well spent. We need to make sure all video messages are sent to her by the first of April.
7. We are having the in person Meet Up at the Tolan Playfield in Detroit. We selected a location that has easy on/off access from the freeway and free parking. We also have bathroom facilities available on the property. And best of all the playfield has a paved walking path, which makes it convenient for walkers, strollers, and even pets.
8. We have fun events planned at our in person Meet Up including: connecting via journey bead activities, messages of hope, photo booth, professional photographer, team, individual and even fur baby recognition, free t-shirt giveaways, and goodie bags including information from our sponsors.
9. For the past two years we have put the “fun” in “fun”raising by working with Cooky O’Connor, a representative from Opulenza Designs, who is one of our in-kind sponsors. Cooky sells the most gorgeous sterling silver jewelry and is willing to donate 100% of her profits from the sale of her jewelry to our Detroit, MI Walk of Hope. Last year she donated over $575.00 to the WOH!!! So, we are organiazing another jewelry party to beat all jewelry parties this year. We know that the WOH comes at the perfect time to purchase gifts as Mothers, Day, Graduations, Weddings, Teacher Appreciation, Bride’s Maids Gifts, Confirmations are right around the corner. Why not support a local business (and we all know local businesses have really suffered during the pandemic) and make a purchase which will in turn support the Detroit, MI Walk of Hope. Here is our party link: We advertise it heavily and even do an online vitual party. But this year, Cooky plans to be at our WOH Meet Up in person too. We’re calling her event, “Add A * SpArKLe * of Hope!”
10. We have gotten creative with our approach to getting the word out about our event. In addition to the postcard, flyers, emails and texting, LeAndrea and I will be featured on two separate podcasts and one local news magazine. You will have to check back for more links to our two separate upcoming interviews: Michigan Center for Fertility and Women’s Health Podcast and Good Fat Life Podcast.
I hope that these tips will help you to organize a RESOLVE DIY Walk of Hope in YOUR Area. With a little organization and some networking, you will be sure to make a difference in the lives of those who long to love a child of their own.
Happy Planning to ALL Difference Makers!