Voices from the WE ARE WORTHY SUMMIT: Introducing Andrew Fletcher
Introducing Andrew Fletcher
My name is Andrew Fletcher and I help produce “The Childless Not By Choice Magazine” and the “We Are Worthy! Summit”. People can contact me on cnbcteam@thecnbcmagazine.com
Andrew Fletcher in the Bahamas.
A Little About My History
I married my first wife in 1987 and our son was born at the end of 1988. Unfortunately, Angus was first diagnosed as being blind at the 12 week check, and then at 18 months, he was diagnosed with A typical Hypothalamic Syndrome (basically he didn’t have a Hypothalamus) and diabetes insipidus. I left the Army and became Angus’s primary care-giver for the last five years of his life. After nearly dying five times (usually drug induced) he succeeded and passed away in 1996.
Andrew and baby Angus in 1989.
After a divorce from my first wife I rejoined the Army and went to Bosnia and then back to the UK to Bath. I met my second wife in 1998, and we married in 1999. Unfortunately, she had an astrocytoma which killed her at the end of 2001.
I met Nicci, who we refer to as the present incumbent, in 2002 on the internet (which was not as common in those days). Luckily, she and I discovered that we had friends in common who would have introduced us if we hadn’t met independently. Unfortunately, Nicci has stage 4 Endometriosis and this has led to us not being able to have children. We had planed our vision of life around our having children and now have changed that vision to plan B or should that be ZZ plural A. (my thanks to Douglas Adams)
Andrew and Nicci and our Godchildren.
My Role in the CNBC Community
One night Nicci woke me up at 3 am and said we are running a summit! My part in the summit is to provide a male perspective and to do the things Nicci hasn’t got time for and the behind the scenes tasks.
I will be taking on the blogging role for the magazine, giving people a feel of what’s coming up and any interesting things happening in the community. We are also opening up the guest bloggers, so all submissions are welcome. The title of my blog and website:
A Man’s View. www.thecnbcmagazine.net
A Couple Thoughts to Share
Communication between partners is the most important thing, as without that you will not be able to formulate a plan B (C,D…) that includes both of you.
Be honest as someone needs to say when enough is enough
Wishing you the best,