Posts in parenthood
Five Myths of Infertility as Published from the Washington Post

Get the facts and myths about infertility. The next time someone tells you to “just relax and you’ll get pregnant,” you will know what to say after reading about these myths from the Washington Post.

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Connecting Globally with Like-Minded Supportive People: ArtPrize Connects Me to Jessica Hodges

I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring photographs I’ve received for my infertility awareness ArtPrize exhibit. Some people have even shared their stories. Please read to find out how Jessica Hodges and her husband Nick overcame so many obstacles to have their miracle baby girl, Sophia.

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My Journey Toward ArtPrize: Every Accomplishment Comes with the Decision to Try

Although I am not an artist in the traditional sense, I have discovered that the written word is a form of artistic expression. Please read my blog to discover how I overcame my fears and decided to enter the world’s largest art competition, Grand Rapids ArtPrize 2018.

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Supporting Your Partner on Father's Day while Going Through Infertility

Father’s Day can be a difficult holiday for men who are struggling with infertility. Discover some important aspects to consider if your spouse or partner or you know someone who is dreaming of becoming a Dad this Father’s Day or if he is childless not by choice.

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Reflections on Infertility Advocacy Day: It's NOT for the Faint of Heart... It's for the FULL OF HEART!

Infertility Advocacy Day, an orchestration of monumental proportion sponsored by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association and The American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM). It takes a lot of blood, sweat and tears to make this event happen and to advocate for the infertility community… and we wouldn’t have it any other way!

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Mom's post goes viral: 'Stop asking couples when they are having kids'

Adele Barbaro’s FB post goes viral. I had to share this post because I truly believe that asking people about their family planning is a private matter. Please read to find out more from Adele Barbaro’s perspective.

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A Message for those TTC and Childless Not by Choice on Mother's Day

This Mother’s Day, I had to write a message to all those who continue to try to conceive a child and to those who have had to accept being childless not by choice. If you did not struggle yourself, but know someone who did, there are profound messages for you too. Together we can make a difference.

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THIS IS US: Introducing Chelsea

Meet Chelsea Meirose, the fifth member of my RESOLVE support group who shares her story for NIAW. Chelsea has suffered recurrent miscarriage, yet perseveres by trying to figure out what is wrong through immunology testing. Discover her amazing courage and fortitude… and an amazing twist in her story!

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THIS IS US... Introducing RACHEL

Sharing more great stories for my “THIS IS US” blog series for NIAW, I’d like to introduce Rachel, who is a natural girl who takes a holistic approach to her fertility journey. Discover some of Rachel’s healthy, holistic approaches to enhance her fertility and learn her favorite quote that helps her when times get especially difficult.

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Voices from the "WE ARE WORTHY" Summit: Introducing Anne Barratt

Continuing with my “Voices from the WE ARE WORTHY SUMMIT” series of blogs, today you will meet Anne Barratt from Australia. Discover how Anne helps her “Childless Not By Choice” clients shift their emotions in order to maintain optimal health.

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Voices from the WE ARE WORTHY SUMMIT: Introducing Brandi Lytle

Meet Brandi Lytle, guest blogger/speaker for the We Are Worthy Summit. Brandi is redefining "momhood" by loving others through her Childless Not By Choice (CNBC) journey.

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Detours is the Charity of the Month at "Finding Roots" in Howell, Michigan!

Learn more about one midwestern store with midwestern values and how the amazing owner of Finding Roots in Howell, Michigan is supporting infertility awareness! 

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Fertile Yoga: The Light in Me Honors the Light in Fertility Warriors!

Yoga is not about touching your toes... it's about what you learn on the way down. Read to discover more about the benefits of fertile yoga and how to access it on your TTC journey.

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Broken Hearts... Broken Dreams: The Liquid Nitrogen Tank Malfunctions & How YOU Can Help!

Read how the liquid nitrogen tank malfunctions devastate those affected. Learn what YOU can do to help... a message from Resolve: The National Infertility Association.

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